On a scale from one to ten, how tired are you?
Urm... 4 coz i didn't do anything that is tiring... just sitting in front of my lappy... ehe
What is the relationship between you & the last person you texted?
a friend~!! My senior to be exact...
What did you do last night?
watch astro~!! i miss it a lot... batah dah indee ku liat tv nyamoo sejak ku tinggal d hostel aniee...
Anything good/exciting happen to you lately
my birthday~!! Ehehe... getting old ku sudah... *sniff2*
What did you last eat?
scramble egg~!! yum~!!
If you could've chosen the color of the sky, what color would it be?
no idea... better it stays blue~!!
Are you on any kind of messenger right now?
yeah... but currently appearing offline... Haha =p~
If so, is anyone talking to you?
no since i appear offline.. indee jua urg tau tuh...
Do you feel like you need to brush your teeth right now?
since this question asked it... i do feel the need to brush my teeth...
What was the last song you listened to?
it was Natasha Bedingfield - Angel... lawa~!!
Looking forward to anything in the near future/future?
yesh~!! definitely... graduating n taruz kraja... dpt gaji... njoy~!! haha...
What color is your cell phone?
Are you still in school or are you graduated?
going to graduate.... in 2 years... Amin~!!
About how many comments does your myspace have?
err.. no idea... jrg ku login myspace... the last was likee... last yr kali.... haha
Do you really care about this years election?
yg election d US ka?? not really... but i'm just excited that Barack Obama is the president-elect.... it's all about changes(?)
Anything sore/hurt right now?
my neck... sangal staring at the monitor... eheh
When was the last time you yelled at someone?
i have no idea... i never yelled... (haha... banar kah tuh??)
What's bothering you right now?
ermm... nuthing but when i really think about it... my weight... bila tah ku kan kurus niee... aku mau six-pack wahh~!! hahaa
Do you have any pets? If so, what are they and what are their names?
no but virtual pet kirakah?? namanya Fluffy arah pet-society... hehe... i have no idea what is it... a cat or bear... bearcat?? who cares... siuk main....
Anything stuck in your teeth?
wait... wait... let me check... thank god NO~!! haha
What is your favorite TV show?
A lot... tapii byk ku miss sudah lately... *sigh*
Does anyone like/love you?
like... probably... love?? is there?? hehehe... well my family loves me...
What was/is your worst subject in school?
worst??? hmm... none kalii coz i try to make all the subjects not worst even yg ku indee suka...
Do you like the feeling of a body part falling asleep?
errr... which body part?? haha... indee ku paham ehh... NEXT!!
Have you ever-tried dog or cat food? If so, what was your opinion?
eww~!! no way~!! baik ku be-lapar tuh...
Who made dinner last night?
my mom~!!
How many profile views do you have on FS?
i dunno, malaz ku check... jrg ku login jua FS ku...
Do you think people make too big of a deal of some stuff on FS ?
err... no comment...
Who would you like to see right now?
Is Global warming happening?
definitely... ada buktinya yoo~!! ice melting d tmpt sajuk2 sana... atlanta ka namanyaa... yg ada polar bear ahh... indee pecaya... liat gambar d bawah ahh... indee kamu kesian kaa??
How's the weather today?
ermm... tadiee mcm sunny plang sajaa... anie indee ku tauu.. aku d bilik~!!
Do you have any plans for today? If so, what are they?
ermm.... kan meliat DVD ku saja kalii ehh...
What can your hear right now?
ermm... lagu classic arah KristalFM... yg 'Tell me boy, tell me boy...~!!' bukan tell me dari wonder girls ehh... eheh~!! n juaa... bunyi kipas~!!
Do you really care what people think about you?
sometimes... kalau ia pikir aku anie jahat~!! n urg bagii aku pandangan semacam... kalau yg lain~!! Whatever~!! =p~
How's your hair right now?
okay shaa~!!
Do you dislike/hate anyone?
no... if ada pun... trying not to... coz indee baik dislike urg aniee...
What is the most expensive thing anyone has ever bought you?
my old handphone~!! masa anie rusak sudahh...
Where will be your next vacation?
South Korea mun dpt... or London... or Paris~!! or Egypt... or... haha byk or jua ehh... semua tah kalii... Around the world in 80 days.... eheh
How long do you shower for?
indee jua batah.... indee jua skajapz... asal suci lagii bersih... haha~!!
How do you make your money?
harapkan elaun~!! dulu terpaksa kraja d Empire....
Anything exciting happening last weekend?
ermm... nada pa2~!! aku abis exam jaa... awal dari urang lain... eheh
Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off?
oohh... siapa ahh?? hmm.... it's a secret i'll never tell~!! eheh....
Are you there for your friends?
tried to... if they really2 need me....
Are you a forgiving person?
yes... but definitely not forget... terpahat nie dalam hatii... chewahh~!! apakanz
Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?
gugur sekarasnya ka arahnyaa?? err... m.b.p.~!! haha...
and, you are tagging?
anyone who read this. you're TAGGED~!!
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